Wills, Powers of Attorney
+ Estate Litigation

We provide a full range of Estate Planning and Estate Administration services.
Wills and Powers of Attorney
It is important to have a will which is professionally drafted, which ensures that your wishes are carried out in the event of your death. Many people die without a will, which causes complications for the administration of an estate, and more expense. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish. Trying to save money by using internet will kits can end up costing thousands of dollars in legal fees if there is a mistake made in drafting the will, or in having it properly witnessed.
A Power of Attorney is necessary in case you become incapacitated, and are unable to make decisions for yourself regarding property or health care.
Our services are competitively priced. For example, the cost of a Will and a Power of Attorney for Property and a Power of Attorney for Personal Care for an individual is $499.00 plus HST, and for spouses, $799.00 plus HST. Costs can differ if you require complex provisions beyond those normally contained in our standard Will.
If you own a business that is incorporated, you may wish to have a private will for the shares in the company, and a public will for assets such as real estate.
Estate Administration
If you are named in a will as the Estate Trustee (Executor), we can assist you with administering the estate. The first question is whether the will needs to be probated, and in many cases, probate isn’t necessary if all assets are jointly held, such as with a spouse.
I probate is required, we can prepare the necessary Application for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee. If there is no will, you will need the consent of the beneficiaries to have you appointed as Estate Trustee.
Once you are appointed as Estate Trustee, we can advise you on administering the estate, and how you go about accounting to the beneficiaries, and obtaining the necessary release from the beneficiaries.
Allow us to assist you and your family with all of your Wills & Estates needs.